/ Dossier 045 / Partie 1 / Document 10 / p. 1
Silver roundel: covered with gold foil on iron backing; inlaid, turquoise-coloured semi-precious stones/ Silver rondel: covered with gold foil on iron backing; inlaid with turquoise-coloured semi-precious stones, 3rd-2nd century BC.
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Nom: Silver roundel: covered with gold foil on iron backing; inlaid, turquoise-coloured semi-precious stones/ Silver rondel: covered with gold foil on iron backing; inlaid with turquoise-coloured semi-precious stones, 3rd-2nd century BC.
Pages par document: 1
Auteurs: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Type de document: Photo
Lieux: Iran
Mots-clés: recherche archéologique, Grands Kouchans, trésor d'or, L'empire Kushan, pièces de monnaie, numismatique, fouilles, UzIskE, L'ère Kushan
Citer: Alerte Héritage, Archives de Galina Pugachenkova, Dossier 045, Partie 1, Document 10, Feuille 1, URL: https://pugachenkova.net/fr/catalog/getPhoto/3347/