/ Dossier 024 / Partie 1 / Document 1 / p. 28
Introduction: Towards a characterisation of the collection of miniatures of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.
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Nom: Introduction: Towards a characterisation of the collection of miniatures of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.
Pages par document: 28
Auteurs: Pugachenkova, G.A.
Type de document: Texte dactylographié, corrections manuscrites
Lieux: Afghanistan, Boukhara, Herat, Ouzbékistan, Samarcande
Mots-clés: Zafar-Name, manuscrits, vignette, peinture miniature, Mohammed-Mukim, Shahnameh
Citer: Alerte Héritage, Archives de Galina Pugachenkova, Dossier 024, Partie 1, Document 1, Feuille 28, URL: https://pugachenkova.net/fr/catalog/getPhoto/1914/